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David Hager- Hosts Jewish Officials in Washinton

Donor and representative David Hager facilitated Jewish authorities from the Saban Forum in his Washington D.C. suite this past Shabbat for a portion of the petitions and the dinners

· david hager,david j hager

Donor and representative David Hager facilitated Jewish authorities from the Saban Forum in his Washington D.C. suite this past Shabbat for a portion of the petitions and the dinners. Sorted out by the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, the Saban Forum is a yearly discourse amongst American and Israeli pioneers from over the political and social range who assemble to talk about Middle East issues and U.S.- Israel connections, trade thoughts, and look for arrangements in an informal configuration and system.


Among Forum members who joined Hager for Shabbat supplications and dinners were Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman; Haim Saban; International Fellowship of Christians and Jews President Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein; previous Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor; previous US representative and Democratic bad habit presidential competitor Joe Lieberman; US race strategist Mark Mellman; previous US envoy to the Czech Republic and dear companion of President Obama Norman Eisen; Israel Hayom outside news supervisor Boaz Bismuth; Ha'aretz correspondent Yair Ettinger; political writer and history specialist Professor Yoaz Hendel, and others.


The minyan was organized the advantage of Rabbi Eckstein who is right now in the time of grieving for his dad. This is the first occasion when that the restrictive Saban Forum has offered visitors a possibility for joint Shabbat supplications and dinners. Since the begin of the Forum, Defense Minister Leiberman and David Hager, prestigious as one of the main supporters of Netzach Yehudah Charedi Brigade, were seen bantering at a few open doors.


Among the speakers at the occasion were U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who was met before the visitors by Jewish-American columnist Jeffrey Goldberg, and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who likewise gave a meeting through video gathering and addressed inquiries postured by Haim Saban.

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